Trades Win Season 4 Now Recruiting

Career Exploration Through Storytelling Internship Opportunity May 6 - August 2, 2024

Trades Win is a 14-week internship opportunity, geared primarily for blind and visually impaired teens and job seekers just starting out on their career journeys. It is especially helpful for those interested in media production, but students of all vocational interests will learn writing, project management and other workplace skills applicable across any career!

Participants identify careers and jobs that interest them, and then with the TW team they find people who are blind who do or have done that kind of work.

Students conduct recorded interviews where blind professionals share their lived experience, career journey, and any adaptations used to achieve success. These interviews are then used to prepare content in the student's preferred media, where they can learn to prepare written profiles, podcasts, or professional videos. The results are uploaded and shared via our website, social media, and eventually a published book.

Andrew Leland seated by recording equipment
Author Andrew Leland sits for an interview

Trades Win provides role models and mentors for students who are thinking about a career path but they don't know how they might pursue it.

In a realistic virtual office environment, students are exposed to both small team and large staff meetings. They have managers they report to and are assigned projects that have deadlines. Each participant is assigned to a team determined by their interests and talents. Each team has specific tasks to accomplish and team roles are individualized so all students have a unique role to play. The students also participate weekly in a larger meeting when all teams share their progress and project updates.

Trades Win is led by Josh Pearson and Katie Crocker, both of whom have lived experience with blindness and navigating the world of work. This internship provides training in media production and other essential soft skills which are applicable across a wide variety of careers. Participants increase their self-confidence, practice core communication skills, learn media production skills, prepare for entry into a specific career path, and to learn the value and challenges of working as a disabled person.

By the end of Trades Win, each participant will have explored and reflected upon their own lived experience and how to apply what they have learned towards their employment goals.

Space is limited! We are actively recruiting now for the summer 2024 session. Please click below to request more info or to make a referral.

Browse our profile catalog Listen to our podcast

Watch a sample interview with best-selling author Andrew Leland

Join us for a virtual information session!

Please contact Jen Cash, jcash [at] if you would like to set up a zoom presentation about Trades Win or discuss making a referral. Seats are limited, please contact Jen soon.

Apply now!

If you're interested in participating in this season of Trades Win, please fill out our student questionnaire and have your MCB VR counselor submit a referral.
