
Past Program

Past program

The Tajikistan National Mine Action Centre hosted a Polus Center delegation of experienced victim assistance professionals in 2015. Members of the delegation had special expertise in physical rehabilitation, particularly in prosthetics, wheelchairs, and victim assistance (VA) program design and implementation. They visited several government and nongovernmental organizations in Dushanbe to understand current VA services and conduct a VA needs assessment. The delegation also traveled to the Rasht Valley–one of the most heavily mined areas in Tajikistan–to meet with various NGOs and medical facilities that provide support to landmine survivors within the region.

In August 2016, the Polus Center made a second visit to Tajikistan’s National Mine Action Center to support VA services. During this visit, the Polus Center provided direct assistance to survivors and training in prosthetic fabrication and wheelchair fitting. Direct assistance included support for victims interviewed during the Polus Center’s initial visit to the Rasht Valley. Wheelchairs were provided to the regional hospital in Gharm. At the National Prosthetic and Orthotic Center in Dushanbe (SEOP), the Polus Center provided several patients with new prosthetic devices and offered training to the prosthetic technicians.
