Throughout our webinars and mentoring of students, we help students develop advocacy skills while also encouraging independence.
Other advocacy programs offered by ESP include:
Our Blind Life
Our Blind Life is a peer support group that meets monthly to discuss topics such as using white cane, transportation, practical tools, technology, apps, etc. OBL is facilitated by three people who are blind/visually impaired. Come as you’d like, you don’t enroll for long-term, you may choose to come based on the topic being discussed. A survey is done in January of each year to choose the topics and timing.
ADA Laws and Disability Rights
Once/year, we offer a panel discussion to review ADA laws and disability rights.
Disclosing Disability
This one-hour webinar offered twice per year. We invite a former leader of the National Organization of Disability to join our staff to discuss pros and cons of disclosing your disability in job interviews, how to discuss your disability, and embracing your identity as a person who is blind.
Advocacy vs. Independence
We offer a panel discussion at least once/year on the topic of Advocacy vs. Independence that features people who are blind and visually impaired talking about their journeys and thoughts on the topic.